Natural Supplements VS Synthetic Supplements


For a body as natural as ours, we definitely need something from nature to keep up with hunger fights within our body for essential nutrients! Undoubtedly the best sources of vitamins are those fresh fruits and vegetable that are a pool of nutrition and responsible for good health. A healthy and nutritious diet is all your body needs to remain fit and perfectly functional. A traditional diet ideally contains all those vitamins and minerals in the right proportions that your body needs. So there is never a chance of vitamin or mineral deficiency and neither a case of an over dose of those vitamins and minerals. Our nature is well equipped to maintain the perfect equilibrium and gives your body just what it needs.

However, in the modern world, people can barely manage the time to chose the right food or follow a healthy lifestyle. In rush of achieving their financial goals, people easily forget the importance of the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a fit and healthy lifestyle. There has been a growing reliability on supplements for fulfilling the nutritional needs of the body. The pharmacy shops are flooded with calcium supplements, vitamin supplements, mineral supplements e.t.c. Each one of them often claims to solve all the health ailments and assuring the consumer of a perfect and healthy outcome. These supplements, undoubtedly, may be needed by the body in certain conditions. Supplements at times can do wonders for our body by fulfilling those needs of vitamins and minerals. But, how many of us take heed in finding out if the supplements we consume are natural or synthetic?

Synthetic supplements are those that are produced by employing and endless aisle of chemicals that are artificially made to fulfill the needs of your body. They are formed by studying the natural foods and the components of the natural food that provides that vitamin needed by your body, and then replicating the same component by a chemical reaction in the laboratory. It may sound really safe and useful but in practicality, it does more harm to your body than good. In contrast, natural supplements are those that are extracted directly from the natural sources of plants and nutrients, simply refined to reach your body in a much more simpler and convenient route. Those who cannot find time to consume whole fruits and vegetables full of nutrients can confidently rely on the natural supplements that provide exactly the same nutrients in a refined manner.

One of the most beneficial natural supplements to keep your body healthy and fit is Cod Liver Oil. This oil is extracted from the liver of a fish called Cod. This fish is known to be a key for vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids. It gives your body everything that it needs in a very safe and healthy proportion. What goes in bringing this cod liver oil to you is just the refining process that helps in transforming the oil into soluble pills that can be consumed very easily. It is also considered to be the best among all the other fish oils to provide your body with all those important nutrients. Doctors and pharmacists claim this oil to be a completely natural supplement that does not leave behind any side effects. They acknowledged this oil can only do well to your body as far as enhancing its health requirements!

With researches like this, people will definitely find the right set of Natural supplements to suit their needs. It seems to be bringing in a revolution that might change the perspective of how people perceive supplements and might also help them in assisting their health in a manner that leaves behind no stress or suffering through endless side effects. In the near future, pharmacists see a huge leap from just nutrient supplements to more Natural Supplements like cod liver oil and various other fish oils based on their health components.

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One Response to “Natural Supplements VS Synthetic Supplements”

  1. ankokwo says:

    Natural supplements are absorbed and metabolized faster by our body over synthetic supplements making them the body’s preference!


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